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Resigning from the civil service

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As an officer, you can resign from the civil service at any time during your career. However, if you want to re-enter the civil service after that time, you can only do so through an open competition.

Returning physical assets that belong to the civil service

All physical assets should be left in the department or returned to the department before their final day of work.

You should reconfirm with your line manager that there are no additional requirements that must be completed before you leave.

Paying outstanding balance for employee schemes

The NSSO will aim to make sure that the amount is recouped before you leave.

Documentation to fill out before you leave

You are required to fill out an exit form before you leave.

Voluntary exit affecting pensions

Exiting voluntarily means that any pension entitlements are based on year of service.

Who to contact regarding voluntary exit

First you should contact your local HR unit submitting a formal letter stating your intention to leave employment. This will start the exit process.

Appealing the decision to end employment

This issue can only be managed between you and your department/office.

Checking that you will receive full pension before employment ends

If you have less than two years of service upon exiting you are entitled to request a refund of pension contributions. If you have served for more than two years you are considered to be a vested member of the pension scheme, your contributions are retained and you will be entitled to a preserved pension. The NSSO Pensions team will contact you if you request a pension refund, or if a preserved pension is due. If you are dismissed early from your employment you will not receive a pension until your retirement age. This age depends on which Pension Scheme you are a member of.

Starting the retirement process

You should contact your local HR unit through your head of division with a letter stating your intention to retire.