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Absence management: employees

To submit an application, you can log into HR self-service. To attach supporting documents, to view progress on an existing case, or to submit a manual application form, you can log into the case management system. Please note: only officers without HR self-service access may submit manual forms.

If your absence exceeds 2 days in duration, it must be recorded as Certified Sick Leave. You are then required to submit weekly medical certs to the NSSO for the full duration of your absence.

If you are PRSI Class A and your absence exceeds 3 days, you are also required to submit an Illness Benefit claim for your absence. An IB1 form can be obtained from your GP. The payment of this claim should be mandated to your employing department. Your employer’s bank details can be obtained from your Local HR. All social welfare forms should be sent straight to the Department of Social Protection, not the NSSO.

The NSSO will request confirmation that you have complied with the above on your Resumption of Work form or by email.

You are responsible for including your employer’s bank direct debit information on the claim form. You can find the correct details from your local HR unit. If you don’t provide the right information, it could affect your pay as your employer won’t receive illness benefit reimbursement on your behalf.

  • You can obtain your employer’s bank details from your Local HR Unit.
  • You will need to send these forms directly to DSP, not the NSSO.

If you started working for the civil service before 6 April 1995 and you pay a B Class PRSI contribution, you don’t need to submit an IB1 and MED1 form, but you must provide weekly medical certificates for the duration of your absence.

After returning to work, you must complete the resumption of work online form as outlined above.

If you are unsure how to use the online system, consult the how-to guide.

After your manager approves the Resumption of Work, you may get an email to tell you the case has been resolved. If you are missing certs or other documents, NSSO will follow up in a separate case.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have fully completed all forms you submit. HR Services may not process incomplete forms.