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Organisational data

Organisation structure data refers to the information on the structure of an individual department or office, such as location codes, department codes and any other information in a department’s tree manager.

Employee organisational data relates to positions employees hold within each department (e.g. their location, who they report to). This information is held on the position number, which should be in place for all active employees.

The NSSO will manage and administer all updates and changes to organisational structure data. Changes to a department or office’s organisational structure data can be either individual or mass changes. Many of these change types are now completed through the MIR (Mass Instruction Request) system.

Individual organisational structure changes

Only verified members of an organisation’s HR unit can initiate these changes. NSSO will not accept requests from non-HR staff.

Individual organisational structure changes include:

  • (MIR) New Hire / Re-Hire
  • (MIR) Internal Transfer – This involves moving an officer to a different Position Number.
  • (MIR) Change of Position – This involves changing an existing Position Number; i.e. change of manager, Department ID, work location, cost centre, title.
  • Internal promotion
  • Internal acting up/higher duty award (HDA)
  • External Transfer /Secondment / Loan – Further information on this process can be found here.